Exhibition schedule list
・2024.9.30 - 2024.10.20
Private exhibition in kanagawa, The event will be by invitation only. 住宅公社より、とある団地の廃止棟をかりて展示予定。
Solo『On the bed, while soaking in bathtub, sit in the corner of a room. the tip of my finger. Open the door, turn on the light, and "Hey, I'm home," or "welcome home," may be talking to yourself. And it dissolves in warm water late at night. On the bed, gravity envelops you. "Upwards and Upwards," or "downwards and downwards," this too may be an illusion.』
Tokyo, Gallery 201 品川
・2025 trio, osaka?tokyo?
・2025.11 duo, Tokyo, OGU MAG+
Hiroe Yamaguchi, Two weeks, Thursday-Sunday. Details to be determined.
・2026.2 solo,Tokyo, Gallery 201 品川
・997 days
997 days - Part.1 - 2019.6.3 - 2019.12.31
997 days - Part.2 - 2020.1.1 - 2020.12.31
997 days - Part.3 - 2021.1.1 - 2021.8.31
997 days - Part.4 - 2021.9.1 - 2022.2.23
This series "997 days" brings together the primary selection from 997 days of work taken between June 3, 2019 and February 23, 2022. The selection has been completed to 5328 works from approximately 12000 works over /320 days over, covering all works taken during this period.
Exhibition List
・2024.2 solo Tokyo, PICTORICO SHOP & GALLERY 両国
・2024.2 duo, Tokyo, PICTORICO SHOP & GALLERY 両国
・2023.2 duo, 吉祥寺 珈琲立吉
・2022.11 duo Tokyo, Design Festa Gallery
・2021.12 Solo - Tokyo, コピス吉祥寺
・2021.2 duo, Tokyo, PICTORICO SHOP & GALLERY 表参道
・2019.6 Solo - Tokyo, PICTORICO SHOP & GALLERY 表参道
・2020 Due to the influence of covid-19, three exhibitions were canceled after the postponement. Donate
・Web exhibition